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The appropriation of the Bologna Process by the stakeholders oh the university, stakes and prospects


Our thesis aims to answer to the question: which are the strategies and the logics of action, that are applied by the university staff, in order to legitimise the Bologna Process (BP), through its implementation. The BP should help universities to play entirely their role of major economic stakeholder in the knowledge economy. A double logic characterises its functioning: a strategic logical, that defines goals, at a supranational level, combined with an instrumentation logical, that translates these goals into instrument, that should be implemented at the local level, namely in the universities. Universities live in a period of changes, characterized by uncertainty and the challenge of an adaptation to the needs of the knowledge society, as well as their duty to fulfill their missions of public service. The effective implementation of the instruments of the BP should help them to accomplish these challenges. Here is precisely the stake of a real reflection, based on the management of public organizations: it is to lean on the principles of this management, in terms of performance, as well as of quality, in order to conduct a truly strategic reflection for an efficient implementation. In our research work, we offer a pioneering perspective of the BP, by connecting it to an innovation. This perspective helps to highlight the significance of the sense that should be given to the implementation of the BP, as well and the major role of the stakeholders in this implementation, through his choices and strategies. Based on these statements, we elaborated our research question. Three hypotheses have been formulated, they concern the strategies of appropriation through mimetism practices, that are frequently observed in situations of uncertainty, the link between appropriation and the association goals/instruments during the implementation, and the benefits of a strategic and participative management to reduce the dissociation goals/instruments. We opted for an epistemologic positioning that comes under the interpretativist paradigm, and for an hybrid approach, between abduction and hypothetico-deduction. Our research is leaning on two precise cases: the Université Pierre-Mendès-France (Grenoble – France) and the University Matej Bel (Banská Bystrica – Slovakia). In order to handle our collected data, we proceeded through thematic qualitative analysis. Globally, we observed that : some of the university staff applied different strategies (strategies of mimetism, observation, reappropriation of instruments, choices of strategic partners) that led to an appropriation, and showed en efficient implementation of the instruments; that a strategic and participative management led to an appropriation by the stakeholders of the BP and to a more efficient implementation of the instruments; and that the structures, that offer highly professionalising education, better legitimate the BP than the structures that offer more ‘classical’ education. It is then possible to observe an appropriation of the BP by some stakeholders, nevertheless it seems that not all stakeholders legitimate it yet, that often lead to a dissociation instruments/goals and to a relative technicist and mechanical implementation. In this way, we propose to turn principally to the principles of a sensegiving and sensemaking management. Through their application, these principles should lead to a legitimation of the BP. Our work could lead to more longitudinal, or wider studies, that could integrate more universities, to studies using ‘les economies de la grandeur’, or the network management, to go deeper in our results, as well as to enlarge them, by pluridisciplinary studies, nay to a reflection, that could lead to the creation of a tool, that could help, on a non restrictive way, to estimate, to offer a framework, and to identify the needs of the stakeholders within the frame of an efficient implementation of the BP.

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