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First steps in dominics in China: arrival and deployment


In 1633, the Bull Ex pastoralis debit officii Pope Urban VIII opened the Chinese empire to the mendicant orders and in that way putting to an end the privilege that Jesuits had been obtained in China for nearly fifty years. This monopoly, complied with much resentment on the part of the missionaries of the mendicant orders had been kept with much zeal by the Jesuits since their arrival in China. From the mentioned papal bull, mainly three orders mendicant – Franciscans and Dominicans orders initially, and some years later, Augustinians propagating their faith there they divided the work of evangelizing in the territory of China. The aim of this paper is to present the context of evangelization in China before the decision of Pope Urban VIII and the turning point that led to the opening of 1633.In continuation is the presentation of the document of Order of the Dominicans in the island of Philippines, penetration and installation of the Dominicans in China during the opening of China to the mendicant orders until the late seventeenth century. In the realization of this article has worked with primary sources, such as various manuscripts preserved in national archives as Europeans, and with mis- sionary stories of the Dominican order. One this source is the history of the Dominicans in China, still unpublished in its entirety, written by the Dominican Victorio Riccio in 1667, retired to the outskirts of Manila, in the convent of st John the Mountain. This manuscript, entitled Hechos de la Orden de Predicadores en el Imperio de China, is preserved in the Dominican Province of Santo Rosario Archive, in Ávila (Spain).

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