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The Rise of Energy Citizens


Publié sur Global, http://www.kib.be/articles/1185/the-rise-of-energy-citizens qui semble hors ligne, voir l'archive web http://web.archive.org/web/20160405015203/http://kib.be/articles/1185/the-rise-of-energy-citizens Introducing the French national debate on energy transition in 2012, its " facilitator ", Laurence Tubiana called not to oppose centralization against decentralization: "Far from a centralized vision that has been ours until now, energy is nowadays perceived also as a local question, where everyone, as explains the economist Jeremy Rifkin, could be producer and consumer. […] We must think a fundamentally renewed energy system. […] Let's invest in energy sobriety, in renewables, that are sources of technological innovations, and value and job creations. An industrial revolution is coming,which challenges are also social." As this extract urged to consider, not only technical issues are at stake in this national debate, but also the socio-political impacts associated with the choice of energy system. Energy production, transport and consumption are deeply engaging people and social structures, both at individual and global scales.

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