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Nationalist business protectionism in the European Union? Comparative analysis of three cases of Spanish companies in European competition


The aim of this research work is to answer the question raised in the title, i.e. to question respect for free competition and the guarantee of competitiveness with equal institutional treatment within the European institutions. The methodology used is that of a comparative case study in the area of corporate administration and management and in an institutional framework, both from a financial and institutional business approach or economic approach. Through these instruments, we have sought to infer the common factors present in the three cases examined, which could pay for or support our initial assumptions. The findings corroborate these assumptions as regards the role of EU leading countries in defending their leading economies by protecting their leading companies, to the detriment of other foreigners and EU members. English Nationalist Business Protectionism in the European Union?: Comparative Analysis of Three Cases of Spanish Companies in European Competition”. The objective of this research is to analyse the question posed in the title, which is to say, to challenge respect for free competition and to ensure competitiveness and a equal institutional treatment within the European institutions. The methodology used is Typical of a comparative case study in the field of business management and within an institutional framework, from an economic and financial approach and an institutional public one. Using these tools we have been tested to infer the common facts present in the three cases studied, which could support our initial hypothesis. The conclusions corroborate their hypotheses regarding the role of the levers of the EU countries to defend their leaving economies by protecting its Members companies, to the listing of other foreign and members of the Union one.

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