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Use of consignments for the acquisition of agricultural technology in maize in San José Chiapa, Puebla, Mexico


The destination of remittances varies according to the needs of recipient households, although they are generally used for maintenance costs, with lower percentages being used for other headings such as savings, education costs, improvements, expansion or construction of housing and investments such as land purchase, starting or capitalisation of a business and purchase of agricultural machinery. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the contribution of remittances to the acquisition of agricultural technology by maize producers from San José Chiapa, Puebla. A survey covering socio-demographic, economic and agronomic aspects was therefore applied in 2009 to a representative sample of 110 maize producers. On the one hand, the information gathered estimated the level of adoption of technologies among producers using the Modern Technology Ownership Index (Iatm) and the Agricultural Technologies Employment Degree (GETC). Moreover, producers were divided into two groups: no remittances and with remittances. The information was analysed using descriptive statistics, t-tests for comparison of independent averages and logistical regression to select the variables explaining the use of the consignments. Significant differences were observed in socio-economic variables where family size, age and monthly expenditure per capita, the group with remittances obtained the highest values compared to the group without remittances. As regards the management of maize, there was an increased use of modern technology in various agricultural activities among producers with consignments, unlike the group without consignments. It is therefore understood that the Modern Technologies Apropriation Index was higher in the group with remittances (59.5 units). In addition, this group achieved a higher yield at 2.92 t/ha. This reflects the fact that consignments play an important role among maize producers in San José Chiapa, affecting both the socio-economic characteristics and the management and productivity of maize.

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