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What place for pastoral activities in the economic conversion of Vicdessos (Pyrénées ariégeos)?


As a major long-standing component of the formation of the mountainous landscapes of the Vicdessos (Ariège), pastoral activities were marginalised during the phase of full employment linked to industrial activity: ‘The Pechiney era’ (1906-2003) encouraged the removal and return of the forest on the slopes and in some valleys. At the time of the proactive conversion of this small area to recreational activities of full nature (Montcalm Nature Sports Station), the small number of farms in operation appears to be the guarantor of the landscape resource on which tourist attractiveness is based (around villages, estives). The establishment of associations Foncières pastoral based on villages demonstrates the awareness of this issue among elected representatives and has made it possible to extend or set up a few farms. Although the pressure of herds is sometimes insufficient to prevent the return of wood, and farms, in some fragile cases, rarely participate very prominently in the emerging tourism system, recognition of their role in maintaining the area, the importance of direct sales and the collective effort of farmers to publicise their activities (fairs, transhumance party) highlight their material and symbolic role in the operation of the territory. However, the challenge of access to land remains decisive for the continuation of this pastoral renewal, which requires new formulas (diversification of livestock, short supply chains, agro-tourism), at a time when several older farmers cease their activity.

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