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Reader's Digest Eurodata 1990 : A consumer survey of 17 European countries


Household furnishings, consumer habits and leisure time, moral orientations and general attitudes to the EC. Topics: 1. Questions of consumption and furnishing: assessment of the economic situation in the last 5 years; classification of the standard of living in one´s nation, compared with other countries (split); detailed recording of type and age of durable economic goods; residential furnishings; having a yard; furnished with leisure devices, radio equipment, computers, telephones, typewriters and cameras; camera type and film use in the last year; number of color televisions or black-and-white television sets in household; age and features of device with remote control, cable or satellite conection; video recorder use. 2. Questions on car: possession of a private car or company car; car possession, organized according to number, brand, model, car form, displacement and year of manufacture; new purchase or used car purchase; car equipped with car radio, CD player, tape recorder and car telephone; kilometers driven annually; type of fuel used; possession of drivers license; use and possession of bicycle, moped, motor-assisted bicycle, scooter or motorcycle. 3. Recording of drinking habits with soft drinks, non-alcoholic beer, beer containing alcohol, wine and schnapps. 4. Attitude to the EC: knowledge about the member countries of the EC; countries that should be invited to join the EC; knowledge about membership of one´s own country in the EC and effects of this membership on personal standard of living as well as on the future of Europe; judgement on the EC domestic market; most important goals of a European Community and attitude to reduction of barriers to mobility in the EC; common fight against crime as well as economic and currency union as a goal in Europe (split: exchange of the two questions); general attitude to unification of the Western European countries and attitude to unification of the two German nations. 5. Moral orientations: social and ethnic tolerance (scale); general attitude to young people and older people; trust in selected institutions such as church, military, legal system, media, advertising industry, trade unions, the police, parliament, European Parliament, community service, local government, international companies, social insurance, European Community; attitude to the welfare state; attitude to abortion; attitude to foreign workers; work orientation; career orientation; attitude to marriage and family; women and occupation; general contentment with life; attitude to religion and communism. 6. Leisure time and further education: do-it-yourself jobs done by members of household; athletic activity; paying attention to health and fitness; drinking low-calorie and non-alcoholic beverages; vegetarian; smoker; knowledge of foreign languages; languages spoken in household; attitude to protection of nature, environmental protection, human rights organizations, nuclear power plants and nuclear weapons as well as increased women´s rights; television habits and reading habits with magazines; entire reading time per week; number of books read and bought in the last year; price of the most expensive book purchased in the last year; preferred book genre; book purchase via mail-order; customer with Reader´s Digest; purchase of selected luxury goods. 7. Vacation behavior: vacation stay abroad as well as in one´s country; package tours; type of vacation and means of transport; vacation countries visited in the last three years; travel frequency; business trips of a member of household. 8. Miscellaneous: wearing contact lenses or glasses; responsibility for obtaining food in household; nutrition and semi-luxury foods used, tobacco and alcohol in household; frequency of consumption of ready-to-serve meals; use of dish-washing liquids and household cleansers or cleaning products; use of plastic wraps and paper towels in household; use of group washing machines or use of a laundry as well as personal washing machine; pet possession and purchase of animal feeds; church attendance on Christmas Day. 9. Finances: possession of bank account, check book, EC-cards and credit card; type of insurance policies; forms of assets. 10. Background variables: time worked each week; college degree; number of marriages; age at conclusion of education; sex and age structure of members of household; students in household; frequency of visit of mother; parents living together at time of youth (16 years) of respondent; number of children and ideal number of children; residential status; floor of residence; age of building; length of residence; number of rooms; number of toilets in residence; possession of second home; satisfaction with income; dividends and participation in company success in salary; Reader´s Digest subscriber. The following question was posed to women: use of toiletries and cosmetics. The following question was posed to men: use of washing and shaving utensils. Interviewer rating: degree of urbanization; day of interview; possession of a telephone; distance to next large city; city size. Oral survey with standardized questionnaire Persons 18 years old and older

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