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The unequal city in Palma (Mallorca): geography of lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic


The crisis resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic is revealing the weak structures underpinning the alleged economic recovery and the strong socio-economic inequalities on which this recovery is based. The disease is an indicator of inequality but, in the context of COVID-19, measures to contain it are also the measures to contain it. The aim of this article is to study urban inequality in Palma, focusing research on one of the most impoverished and vulnerable neighbourhoods in the city, Goleu, during the COVID-19 lockdown. The methodology combines two types of analysis, one at city and neighbourhood level. To this end, we first draw up a social map of Palma’s inequality based on a major component analysis. Secondly, we conducted a survey on the quality of life during the lockdown of residents of son Gotleu. The work concludes by demonstrating, on the one hand, the existence of significant social and economic gaps in Palma. On the other hand, Gotleu is facing weak social, economic and housing conditions to cope with such a major (health and economic) crisis.

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