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Can digital technologies induce behavioral changes in transportation habits? Evidence based on User Experience with the SmartMoov Application


International audience This study aims to assess behavioral changes in transportation habits induced by real-time and multimodal information provided by a mobile application, SmartMoov. The users of the SmartMoov application (beta-testers) were registered on a voluntary basis. After 3 months of testing the mobile application in a living lab in Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole, we analyze beta-testers’ feelings and changes in transportation behavior. Although the beta-testers represented a unique population segment, econometric modelling shows that they are sensitive to the information provided by the application and use it to modify their mobility behavior. They are more likely to change their route and departure time than their transportation mode. While the average travel time and the safety margin affect overall mobility changes (i.e., mode, route, and departure time), there are additional factors that influence changes in the route and departure time. Specifically, a gender effect is documented in the context of departure time choice

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