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Políticas educacionais para a educação indígena: um estudo de caso de crianças indígenas kaingang em uma escola do Vale do Taquari, Rio Grande do Sul/Brasil


The kaingang people are Je language speakers and nowadays they occupy the territories located in western São Paulo, north-central and western Paraná, eastern Santa Catarina and north-central Rio Grande do Sul. Considering a Kaingang community in Rio Grande do Sul, Foxá Indigenous Land, situated in Taquari Valley, this research investigates the process of conducting kaingang indigenous children to study at a nonindigenous school, the Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental Manuel Bandeira. The study made use of the legislation on educational policies for indigenous education and made use of documentary and bibliographic sources. As theoretical and methodological references, the research is based on education, history and anthropology, as well as on interviews with the school community that was part of the study composed by kaingang indigenous children, non-indigenous children, kaingang indigenous parents, nonindigenous mothers, teachers and school employees and managers.

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