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Parental alienation syndrome: psychological effects generated in the family triad by parental alienation syndrome


O term Parental Divestment Syndrome (SAP) was proposed by US psychiatrist Richard Gardner around 1980 as a child disorder that occurred especially in minors due to their exposure to a situation where the mother or father treine to break emotional ties with the other spouse. This results in strong feelings of anxiety and fear towards the other genitor, and in some cases may result in a legal dispute between the parties. The article proposes to describe and understand SAP and what are the consequences for the individuals of the family triad as regards their social, emotional and family relationships. By means of literature research, it was possible to understand that SAP would be the result of a process of alienation culminating in a pathology characterised by various behaviours and feelings causing harm to the development of the child’s personality. These feelings stand out of low self-esteem, insecurity, guilt, depression, removal of other children and fear, leading to personality disorders and adult behaviour. To this end, shared custody is suggested as a proposal to prevent the emergence of SAP, as the genitors are in an equal position.

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