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El sueño incobrable de la transparencia absoluta


Over the last several years the need for transparency has grown in demand, generally and globally, in the hopes of a better future. However, such a promise can never entirely fulfilled for factual as well as ontological reasons. Based on the analysis of the painted picture, Sandra del Pilar (visual artist and art theorist) defines transparency as a specific property of all the representative media that tend to become invisible with respect to what they represent. Photojournalism, documentary photography and home videos are generally not considered specific forms of representation, but as surrogates of reality itself. They possess such a high level of transparency that it threatens to vanish their mediality: what is represented becomes real to the same degree as the increasing transparency dissipates the medium. Yet, without a medium there can be no transparency, nor thinking, creating or speaking about the world. This is what the painting of Sandra del Pilar, who depends on transparency to carve out the specific qualities of her medium, is about.

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