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Co-constructions of energy networks. Territorial collective actions in Argentina, 21st century


Collective actions are taken to overcome problems or to face up to energy challenges. In the interaction of actors involved, energy projects advance. The conception and consolidation of the systems in a consensual or synergistic way is defined as co-construction of energy networks. Through these channels, infrastructure, services, jobs, environmental considerations and different territorial aspects accompany the expansion of energy networks. The research seeks to deepen knowledge on inclusive and equitable energy systems. It first takes review, in the international literature, of promotion, monitoring or measurement mechanisms, that favor energy needs satisfaction and collective actions such as cooperatives, inclusive businesses or social self-organizations. Our hypothesis is that in a co-construction of energy networks, the articulation of actors, flexibilization of organizational forms and hybridation of enterprises logics, facilitate the implementation of projects in spatially, socially or economically marginalized territories. The analysis is based on the study of cases in different contexts of Argentina: 1) electrical services to concentrated, isolated or dispersed populations in the province of Jujuy; 2) gasification of the low-income neighborhood “Cuartel V” in the metropolis of Buenos Aires and 3) LPG network in the rural village of Roberts in the west of the province of Buenos Aires. These experiences of co-construction of energy networks become examples of the fruits of community organization, serving territorial needs and social benefits. In this way, facing energy problems and challenges offers potential for more effective, inclusive and sustainable construction.

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