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Transferencias de recursos de la Orden de San Juan desde España hasta el Mediterráneo Oriental durante la Edad Media = Transfer of Resources of The Order of Saint John from Spain to the Eastern Mediterranean during the Middle Ages


The military order of San Juan sent large amounts of money from Spain to the Eastern Mediterranean during the Middle Ages. There were no large sums during the 12th and 13th centuries. However, they increased significantly in the 14th and 15th centuries. Aragonese, Catalan and Navarre hospitals paid the most money. On the other hand, the Spanish and Portuguese hospitals gave less. The Order of San Juan sent not only money but also horses, wheat and weapons. Spanish kings sometimes did not allow hospitals to send transfers from the Iberian Peninsula to the Latin East. The Military Order of Saint John sent large amounts of money from Spain to the Eastern Mediterranean during the Middle Ages. They did not amount to large amounts during the twelfth and Thirteenth centuries. However, they are extended in the fourteenth and Fifteenth centuries. The Aragonese, Catalonian and Navarrese Hospitallers were the ones that paid the most money. In contrast, the Castilian and Portuguese Hospitallers gave less. The Order of St. John sent not only money but also horses, wheat and arms.

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