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Perspective from the nurse to the terminal cancer patient in Tampico, Tamaulipas, Mexico


This paper presents the results of a qualitative study conducted in three hospitals in Tampico, Mexico. It details a different perspective from the last stage of human life, specifically, the work of the nurse in the care of terminal cancer patient, and her relationship with him and his families when he dies. Within nursing practice, it must be given special emphasis to the care of terminally ill patients. During this phase, the patient experience different symptoms, which are complex and changing, therefore he needs to have a holistic and ethical care to improve their quality of life wherever possible. However, the results of this inquiry showed that nurses experience the process of dying with pain, sadness and powerlessness. The pain and sadness are associated with the importance that nurses give the patient, also by their mutual relations. They experience impotence, feeling they could not do more for him, and believe that the effort, time and resources devoted for his attention were vain.

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