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Sexual violence against children and adolescents: in addition to criminal law


O this article aims to critically reflect on sexual violence against children and adolescents in Brazil by seeking to broaden the vision of the issue beyond the criminal sphere. To this end, we will deal with the increased visibility of this crackdown over the last two decades, trying to think about tackling this serious human rights violation without contributing to the strengthening of the traditional, punitive vision. While the current rules proclaim most fundamental rights and guarantees for children and adolescents, when the subject matter is sexuality, the treatment given is limited to the classification of criminal conduct, without any concern to recognise and defend the sexual rights of that public. On the contrary, the campaigns and advertising materials produced have reinforced a reductionist vision of the phonylosis, with a clear focus on the practice of an offence. Addressing sexual violence against children and adolescents in a more rational and effective way means that it is a serious violation of human rights, tackling structural inequalities, affirming child sexual rights, guaranteeing the right to participation, expanding public reception and protection policies, building means to overcome the consumption-based development model, and a genuine system of guaranteeing youth rights. Keywords: Sexual violence. Child and adolescent. Human rights. Criminal law.

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