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Development and validation of a new measure of travel destination personality


The main aim of this study was to develop a new scale for measuring travel destination personality – the Destination Personality Scale (DPS). It was assumed that DPS will confirm the applicability of the five-factor structure of the original Brand Personality Scale (BPS) by Aaker (1997) when more appropriate adjectives for the description of travel destination personality are generated. Results confirmed the five-factor structure of DPS, with dimensions Excitement, Sincerity, Competence, Ruggedness, and Sophistication. The final version of DPS consists of 24 items and subscales showed good construct (convergent and discriminant) and criterion validity, as well as reliability. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. 176020 OI: Transformation of geospace in Serbia - past, current problems and solution proposals]

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