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Clonación y expresión de proteínas del virus del bronceado del tomate (TSWV) en plantas de Nicotiana benthamiana mediante un vector de expresión derivado del virus del grabado del tabaco (TEV)


[EN] Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) is considered one of the most destructive viruses in the current agriculture, being able to infect a wide range of horticultural crops, ornamental, and weed species. In Spain, the spotted wilt disease causes severe economic losses in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and pepper crops (Capsicum ssp.), with a bigger impact in the whole Mediterranean area and in the Canary Islands. The most effective control method consists of developing varieties with resistance genes. The incorporations of gene Sw-5 in tomato cultivars and gene Tsw in pepper ones, coming from Lycopersicon peruvianum and Capsicum chinense respectively, have been the most successful choices due to their large range of action. Because of that, they have been applied since 1996 to a big number of commercial varieties, which has lead to a significant reduction of economic losses. However, because of the high diversity and adaptability of the TSWV, several isolates that overcome such resistance have appeared. With previous in vitro experiments, the genetic determinants responsible for breakage resistance conferred by the gene Sw-5 were located at the aminoacidic positions 118 and 120 of the NSm protein. Regarding the pepper, the experiments didn¿t contribute to determine if the overcoming of the resistance is caused by a series of indetermined substitutions in the NSs or in the N protein. In previous tests, a vector based on the virus X of the potato (Potato virus X, PVX) was used to try to set forth the TSWV proteins. The constructions were not stable when they were inoculated to tomato plants though. In this vector the exogenous gene is represented by a strong viral promoter (duplicated), that makes easier the homologous recombination between the two identical promoters, resulting in the loss of one of the copies of the viral and the exogenous sequence between the two promoters. In order to prove in vivo where the genetic determinants responsible of overcoming both resistances are and get over the limitations added by the use of the viral vector based in the PVX, the aim is to develop a genetic system built on the expression of TSWV proteins using another viral vector derived on the Tobacco etch virus (TEV). Therefore, making the agroinoculation system ready and evaluating the genetic information that can be expressed with this vector, will constitute the targets of this Master Thesis. As a result, the gene that encodes the movement protein NSm of two different isolates has been successfully cloned in the expression vector derived from the TEV; and the genes that encoded the NSs and N proteins are available in an intermediate vector. The agroinoculation performed with the infectious clone derived from the TEV, enabled the systematic infection of the N. benthamiana plants. Nonetheless, the tests carried out with a clone, to which the gene that encodes the NSm protein has been inserted, did not bring systematic infection. It is known, these plasmids are often unstable when propagated in bacteria like E. coli, and sequence alterations, such as point mutations and deletions, are produced during culture. New agroinoculation tests with different recombinant clones will be needed

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