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INTERDISCIPLINARITY IN THE CONÁBEIS SCIENCE COURSE: teaching practices at the Universities of the State of Rio Grande do Norte


Interdisciplinarity is proposed to reduce the fragmentation of education in universities by strengthening competences and skills among learners, building on the relationship between content and subjects and the labour market, supported by an interdisciplinary attitude of the teaching staff. The aim of this research is to identify interdisciplinarity practices in the specific disciplines of the Containous Sciences courses of the Universities of Rio Grande do Norte. For this purpose, a questionnaire with open and closed questions was used, filled by 65 teachers, representing 90 % of the population. Analysis of the data obtained shows that interdisciplinarity is practised in part by linking the content of the subjects taught, mainly with the background and concomitant history of interdisciplinary attitude, which is concerned with the integration of research and the extension to teaching, as well as linking content to the possibilities of application in the labour market.

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