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Criminal negotiation, legal legitimisation and urban powers in Italy communal


O artigo foca o pensamento do juristaestado-unidense Francis Jay Mootz, professorde Direito na Penn State University, destacandoa intersecção que promove entre o Direito e ahermenêutica filosófica. Os temas descortinadosconcentram-se em torno do debate sobre a relaçãoentre teoria e prática no Direito, o intercâmbiointerdisciplinar e o enfoque do universo jurídicocomo produtor de um conhecimento retórico.The article focus the work of Francis JayMootz, a jurist from the USA who is law professorin the Penn State University. It emphasizes theintersection that this author promotes between lawand philosophical hermeneutics. The discussedsubjects are the relationship between theory andpractice in law, the interdisciplinary exchange andthe focus over the juridical field as a rhetoricalknowledge producer.

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