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Judicial divorce due to illness and imperfection in the national sect (Tefriq)


The main method for termination of marriage under Islamic family law is based on individual will. However, in some cases, this contract is needed by the judiciary. The situations in question have different approaches between sects. In this study, elements of disease and imperfections are examined according to the Maliki sect for inflammatory reasons. In order to give the issue a general perspective, also addressed the description, nature and basis of the legal system in the introduction section. What we call disease and imperfections are referred to in the sources as common folk, the locals and the followers, as they refer to them as well. In accordance with these statements, the offenses in both men and women (compatible) are considered under the title "patient", while the sexual diseases present in the part of the parties are considered under the heading "Uyub-ı nisa" and "Uyub-ı nisa". The reasons for accepting the illness and defect in question as a result of the medical developments were taken into account for the reasons for accepting the disease and imperfections in question in the national sect, and an assessment was made according to the conditions of the day.

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