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Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sejarah yang terdiri dari tahapan heuristik, kritik, interpretasi, dan historiografi, serta menggunakan pendekatan sosial ekonomi untuk menjelaskan secara kronologis pengaruh adanya persebaran industri batik terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat Bandung, Cirebon, dan Tasikmalaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel dalam mencari dan mengumpulkan data. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian studi pustaka, studi lapangan, observasi, dan wawancara, menunjukkan bahwa penyebaran budaya membatik berpengaruh terhadap munculnya industri batik yang berada di Bandung, Cirebon, dan Tasikmalaya. Ketiga daerah tersebut memiliki peran dalam menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan bagi masyarakat sekitar yang memiiki keahlian dalam membatik, baik tulis maupun cap. Selain itu, industri batik di tiga kota tersebut memiliki skala produksi industri rumah tangga, kecil, dan menengah. Menjadi suatu hal yang menarik melihat persebaran dan dinamika industri batik dengan cara produksi tradisional di Bandung, Cirebon, dan Tasikmalaya berkembang pada saat Indonesia mengalami masa industrialisasi selama Orde Baru. Penelitian ini menunjukkan terjadinya pasang-surut industri batik tradisional di tengah-tengah gempuran modernisasi di bidang industri, tidak terkecuali dalam tekstil lokal. The study used the historical method which included a number of stages, such as heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography and also applied a socio-economic approach to explain chronologically the effect of the distribution of the batik industry on the welfare of the people of Bandung, Cirebon, and Tasikmalaya. The sample is used in this study to find and collect data. The results of literature study, field studies, observations, and interviews have revealed that the spread of batik culture has had a significant effect on the emergence of the batik industries in Bandung, Cirebon, and Tasikmalaya. The batik industries in the three regions has played an important role in creating jobs for local communities who have the expertise in doing the batik work, both the ‘batik tulis' and the ‘batik cap'. In addition, the batik industry in the three cities also has the industrial productions which includes either the household or small to medium scale. It is an interesting fact to see the distribution and the dynamics of the batik industry were produced through traditional production methods in Bandung, Cirebon and Tasikmalaya when Indonesia was experiencing a period of industrialization during the New Order. The research has shown that there have been ups and downs in the traditional batik industry amidst the threat of modernization in the industrial sector, including local textiles.

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