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Self-determination and adherence to exercise: State of play. (Self-Determination and exercise adherence: State-Of-The-Art).


ResumenThe Self-Determination Theory (SDT), conceptualised by Deci and Ryan, provides the framework for understanding how decision-making can be stimulated with a positive effect on health in the long term. SDT argues that intentional human behaviour can be described through processes of intrinsic motivation and internalisation. Motivation is one of the key elements for achieving adequate adherence to the exercise. The in-depth study of the SDT in the field of physical activity, and its relationship with adherence to exercise programmes, can and should be one of the future areas of work for researchers in the field of physical activity sciences and sport. By deepening this line, knowledge of certain special characteristics of the various groups of people involved in organised physical activities and adapting planning for such activities can achieve a level of adherence to the important practice, allowing more individuals to develop a healthy lifestyle. AbstractSelf-determination Theory (SDT), conceptualised by Deci and Ryan, provided a framework to understand how individuals can be motivated to make decisions that will have a positive effect on their long-term health. SDT postulates that intensive human behaviour can be described through two processes of Intrinsic motivation and intematisation. Motivation is a key element for exercising adherence. The detailed study of the SDT in the context of physical activity and its relationship to the adherence to physical exercise programmes should be a future research area for such working in the field of physical activity and sport sciences. Implementation of this research line, knowledge of specific characteristics of those individuals involved in organised physical activities, and planning adaptation, may help to reach adherence levels upholding a higher number of individuals to speed up a healthy lift.

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