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Let us disagree


Any respect for diversity was a theme ‘on the margins’ of the debates on early childhood education in the 1980’s, it is at the core of many worms today. There is an emerging consensus on how to address issues of diversity in early childhood education theory, policy and practice. Yet, it is precisely this consensus that may be Worrying. Inspired by post-foundational theory, I argue that dissensus and disagreement are not only unavoidable, but are also necessary to ensure respect for diversity, not as tolerance towards those who become from the norms, but as a construction of the norms that create deviations.Enquanto o respeito pela diversidade era um tema “à Margem” dos debates sobre educação na primeira infância na decada de 1980, é o cerne das preocupações de muitos HOJE. Há um consenso emergente sobre como aquestões da diversidade na Teoria da educação infantil, políticas e práticas. No entanto, é precisamente este consenso that preocupante. Inspirado pela Teoria pós-fundacional, defendo que dissenso e desacordo não são apenas inevitáveis, mas também são propriários para promover o respeito pela diversidade, não como a tolerância para com aqueles that se desviam das normas, mas como uma desconstrucão das normas que criam desvios.Although respect for diversity was a theme ‘on the margins’ of the debates on early childhood education in the 1980s, it is at the heart of many of today’s concerns. There is an emerging consensus on how to address diversity issues in pre-school education theory, politics and practice. However, it is precisely this consensus that may be a cause for concern. Inspired by post-founder theory, I will demonstrate that dissensus and disagreement are not only inevitable, but also necessary to promote respect for diversity, not just tolerance towards those who deviate from standards, but as a deconstruction of norms that create divergence.

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