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ABSTRAK “Towards Gamelan Pop” adalah karya seni musik yang lahir akibat bentuk permasalahan yang sedang populer saat ini, misalnya korupsi, kurangnya kepedulian terhadap lingkungan hidup, radikalisme, tindak pelanggaran hukum, dan kerusakan moral. Fenomena tersebut dikaitkan dengan bentuk musik pop yang sedang diminati oleh banyak kalangan masyarakat. “Towards Gamelan Pop” mengangkat kisah legenda setempat di daerah Kompleks Candi Gedong Songo yaitu Kisah Ramayana dengan tujuan menarik generasi muda untuk mencintai kesenian tradisi nusantara. Karya musik ini memadukan instrumen gamelan dengan gaya bernyanyi pop dan diperankan oleh 6 tokoh, yaitu Rama, Shinta, Rahwana, Wibisana, Hanoman, dan Semar. Karya musik ini dipentaskan di Kompleks Candi Gedong Songo dengan durasi 60 menit yang terbagi dalam sebelas karya lagu, yaitu Rimba Raya, Aku, Satu, Penjara Emas, Hanoman Obong, Petuah yang Dianggap Sampah, Eling lan Waspada, Gerhanamu, Impas, Mandi Api, dan Sigaraning nyawa. Kata kunci : populer, pop, Kisah Ramayana, generasi muda, gamelan. Abstract “Towards Gamelan Pop” is the musical art work form due to the problems that are popular today, such as corruption, the lack of concern towards the environment, radicalism, acts of lawlessness, and moral damage. These phenomena are associated to a form of pop music that is in demand by many people in the community. “Towards Gamelan Pop” lifts the local legends from the Gedong Songo temple complex that is the story of Ramayana, which its purpose is to attract the younger generation to love the traditional arts of the archipelago. This musical work blends gamelan instruments with pop singing style and performed by six characters, namely Rama, Shinta, Rahwana, Wibisana, Hanoman, and Semar. This musical work is staged in the Gedong Songo complex with a duration of 60 minutes divided into eleven song parts, namely “Rimba Raya” (the Great Jungle), “Aku” (I), “Satu” (One), “Penjara Emas” (the Golden Prison), “Hanoman Obong” (Ignited Hanoman), “Petuah yang Dianggap Sampah” (Unconsidered Wisdom), “Eling lan Waspada” (Keep in Mind and Alert), “Gerhanamu” (Your Eclipse), “Impas” (Breakeven), “Mandi Api” (Bathe in Flames), and “Sigaraning Nyawa” (Soulmate). Keywords: popular, pop, Ramayana Legend, young generation, gamelan.

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