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From the clan to the Empire, Genghis Khan's blood, the Medieval Childhood Personality and Law in which he was raised - a test in the context of the Psychiatric Contact


Psychohistory is a new discipline that brings history to psychology. It can even be defined as the psychology of historical figures. The psychologist is not yet known in our country. This branch of science tries to use psychoanalytic approaches to understand human psychological motivations. Is it really possible that psychoanalysts will be able to solve the psychology-Rini of historical figures based on the data provided by sources and historians? For example, is it possible to establish a connection between Genghis Khan (1162?-1227), the environment he grew up in, his personality and his law? This article tries to reach the answers to these questions. In this context, during the transition from the clan to the empire, the signs of the events that Temucin experienced during the early stages of his life were followed, and were sufficient to draw attention to some surprising interactions.

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