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Suicide in old age in Spain


From 1970 to 1992, 64.917 people have been killed by suicide, of whom 41,78 in 100 were over 60 years old (detailed international classification of causes of death). It has risen from an annual average of 615 suicides in old age from 1970-1982 to 899 in 1983-1992. Suicides and attempts in the elderly account in 1970 for 39 out of 100 suicides and attempts at all ages, 38 for 100 in 1976 and 41 for 100 for 1992. This work details and analyses the deaths caused by suicide and also considers attempts in Spanish old age, looking at the number of deaths from 1970 to 1992 from this cause, their distribution by sex (69,52 per 100 men and 30, 29 per 100 women), the methods used (44,79 per 100 for hanging, 20,98 per 100 for rainfall from high location, 14,16 per 100 per drowning). the professions (56,69 per 100 are farmers, stockbreeders and fishermen) and the known reasons or causes that led to this. At the same time, at the workplace, the corresponding tables, quantitative toilets are given a reflection on the phenomenon studied and its manifestations.

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