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Analysis of criminal activities in Bolivia from an economic perspective


The objective of this investigation is to raise awareness of the spatial correlation that determines the spatial and temporal interaction and dependence on criminal activities in the various departments of Bolivia. In order to achieve this objective, variables are analysed such as: crimes against bodily integrity and health, homicides, theft, theft, robbery or aggravated theft, rape, scrubbing and dishonest abuse, seeking to explain these offences using economic reality, represented by the variables Gross Domestic Product and Gross Domestic Product, social variables such as the number of operations carried out and the quantity of drugs seized and finally environmental variables such as temperature. On the basis of this information, the analysis is carried out using panel spatial econometrical models to show the impacts of the variables described on criminal activities and their incremental levels. Criminal activities; Space Econometria; Imoran; Space Self-Relationship; Economy and Violence. Analysis of the criminal activities in Bolivian from the economic aggregeAbstractThe aim of this research is to present the spatial link to determine the interaction and spatial and temporal dependence of criminal activities in the various departments of Bolivia. To achieve this goal variables are debated such as; Crimes against bodily integrity and health, homicide, mugging, theft, burglary or aggravated robbery, violations, rapes and Indecent Assault, trapping to explain these crimes by economic reality, represented by the variables Gross Domestic Product and Per Capita GDP, social variables as number of operations performed and amount of drugs severed and finely environmental variables such as temperature. Based on this information the analysis is shaped using spatial econometric panel models to show the impact of the variables described in criminal activities and incremental levels.Keywords: criminal activities; Spatial Econometrics; Imoran; Spatial Autocorrelation; Economics and Violence.

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