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ОСНОВНІ ТЕНДЕНЦІЇ РОЗВИТКУ МОРАЛЬНОСТІ ТА РЕЛІГІЙНОСТІ У СУЧАСНОМУ СУСПІЛЬСТВІ / The main tendencies of development of morality and religiosity in modern society


Безарова Г. Основные тенденции развития нравственности и религиозности в современном обществе. В статье на основании философско-религиоведческого анализа моральности и религиозности рассматриваются тенденции их взаимосвязи и дальнейшего развития в период глобализации и информатизации современного общества. Ключевые слова: информационное общество, мораль, нравстенность, духовность, религиозность, совесть, духовные ценности. Bezarova G. THE MAIN TENDENCIES OF DEVELOPMENT OF MORALITY AND RELIGIOSITY IN MODERN SOCIETY. The tendencies of morality and religion interconnection and their further development in the period of globalization and informatization of modern society based on the philosophical and religious analysis of morality and religion is considered in the article. The author argues that morality serves as a social culture of coexistence organization and as an internal regulator and personal judge of individual deeds, internal law of action in terms of good and evil. But it is also an attempt to achieve freedom, because very often is powerless before the non-free world. In light of this problem, freedom is possibility of choices, but a choice is a quality of that person who has freedom. In fact, author is considering that a person thinks about proposed behavioral patterns. Morality is associated with such a quality of person, as spirituality, which is now divided into secular and religious. The article draws attention to their features. Attention is drawn to the fact that it is not appropriate to oppose the morality of believers and unbelievers. Psychologists, sociologists, experts on ethics researches show that is not directly proportional relation between person’s attitude to religion and his behavior in society. Formal religion will not keep unstable personality from immoral acts. No religion and no church is unable to resist temptation, injustice, aggression that are a product of real contradictions of social life. The era of globalization has brought radical changes: a huge number of new developments, borrowed cultural values and value systems, philosophical and pseudo-philosophical concepts appeared in the community. This leads to the fact that more and more people are trying to live their minds, changing our country’s traditional Christian values to something else. Keywords: information society, ethics, morality, spirituality, religi

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