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Lauren Mancia, Emotional Monasticism: Affective Piety in the Eleventh-Century Monastery of John of Fécamp, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2019 (Artes Liberales), 288 pages, ISBN 978-1-5261-4020-3, 85 £.
Dans Emotional Monasticism: Affective Piety in the Eleventh-Century Monastery of John of Fécamp, Lauren Mancia offre une analyse de la Confessio theologica de Jean de Fécamp, un abbé bénédictin originaire de la région de Ravenne au xie siècle. Depuis les travaux d’André Wilmart, Jean Leclercq et Jea...
Reading Augustine’s Confessions in Normandy in the 11th and 12th Centuries
Scholars such as Pierre Courcelle have observed an intensification in interest in Augustine’s Confessions in medieval Europe after the 11th century. This intensification was manifested in Normandy in two ways: first, in the early 11th century, Abbot John of Fécamp drew extensively from Augustine’s C...
Monastic Reform and romanesque Figurative Capitals at Saint-Bénigne in Dijon
THE CRYPT CAPITALS OF Saint-Bénigne in Dijon (1001–1018) are often considered among the most inventive of early Romanesque figurative capitals. This article demonstrates that the Benedictine reform undertaken at the monastery by Abbot William of Volpiano in the last decade of the tenth century provi...